Monday, July 21, 2014

Love at First Sight

Last Friday I ended up taking a college tour at a university. I honestly didn't want to go - it's the third college tour I've been on at the same university (though each discussed a different major) - but I guess it wasn't too terrible. We were at the Medical School, and honestly, it was kinda fun, especially since the classes and hospitals were in the same place, and I've loved hospitals ever since I was little. And then of course I got this adorable alarm clock from a gift shop at the pediatric center (I posted a picture on Instagram earlier). So yeah, fun!

After that, we were walking around the city and what do you know, there was this thing going on, and there were streets filled with rows and rows of people selling beautiful artwork. There were even these amazing clay dragons! I REALLY wanted to get one, but the prices were crazy expensive, so unfortunately, it just wasn't meant to be. We walked through the street and my mom stopped inside this store selling the coolest paintings. They just grabbed my attention for some reason. I'm especially fond of small things, so of course I dug through the smaller paintings first to pass the time. Pretty much all of the paintings were great, but one specific picture caught my eye and held it. It was this one:

Is this painting not completely adorable?? I'm not even one hundred percent sure what part of the painting it was that made me love it, but it was probably some combination of the cute red creature, the marshmallow, and the whole fictitious scene that's portrayed. And did I mention the cuteness? It was an expensive painting even though it was small - probably because it's a painting - but I was willing to spend the money I've been hoarding in my wallet. Of course, I didn't want to ask my dad to buy me such an expensive thing, so as we walked out of the store and about a street down, I kept begging my mom to take me there again the next day so I could bring my money and buy it. She said no. Then I dropped in a word with my dad (I'm just sneaky like that) and suddenly he's taking me back to the painting. Of course, I'd have to pay him back later, but this thing was so adorable. Anyone notice the fact that the entire painting is based on s'mores?

So that first picture is the chocolate (yum!), the second is the marshmallow, and the third is the graham cracker. I don't know why the knight is going after the marshmallow when there's chocolate, but to get back to the point, is the idea not amazing? And I don't even like s'mores! But that's not the only reason I kinda love this painting. Like I briefly mentioned earlier, there's just a completely fictitious feeling about the painting that reminds me of the books I adore reading. My favorite novels are always fantasy and I like how the painting reflects that. So of course I just had to display it on top of one of my bookshelves. Of course, no one will get the connection, but it has a secret meaning for me - well, not so secret anymore - and I'll treasure it.

While I try my best not to buy books - try being the main word here - since I almost never re-read books, I feel like buying things that relate to books, like 'The Hunger Games' Barbie doll or a mini figurine of a favorite book character, is worth the money. Hmm maybe I should write a post about that later... My point, however, is that I feel like this was money well spent. After all, this is love at first sight.

So what's your take on what's worth your money? And just how adorable is my true love (aka the painting)?