Sunday, July 12, 2015

SBPT15 Stop #2 - Stephanie from Ohana Reads

The 2015 Summer Blogger Promo Tour is hosted by Amber and Jessica at The Book Bratz, and it's a fun tour where book bloggers collaborate with other book bloggers, become besties, and introduce one another on each of our blogs. The added benefit is if you've gotten bored of me, you get to meet some awesome people you may not have been introduced to before!

This week you're meeting:

Stephanie from Ohana Reads

I'd never heard of Stephanie or Ohana Reads before joining this blogger tour, but I'm so glad I did because I was missing out on a great blog and person. I still haven't got to know very much about her, so I figured we could get to know her together! As I mentioned, she runs a wonderful blog, and I thought I could ask her about how she started it and runs it in the hopes of learning a few things from her as well as about her. Let's hear what she has to say.

Me: What made you first decide that you wanted to start your very own blog?
Stephanie:  I first started blogging back in January 2014 because I wanted to practice my writing. I’m one of those people that can’t write anything down without constantly checking every few seconds to see if I made any mistakes. So I hoped that I’d loose that trait, or at least become less stressed when it comes to writing. Of course that hasn’t happened yet, but it’s still been one heck of a time running my blog.

Me: Now that you've been blogging for more than a year now, what would you say is the best part?
Stephanie: Honestly, the best part of blogging is probably having met so many new incredible people online. The blogger community is such so warm and welcome, I know that we have our moments but I’m still so glad to be apart of it! Free books from publishers are always a plus as well;)

Me: Who are some of your favorite bloggers? Why? (Please include their name and a link to their blog)
Stephanie: Every blogger I follow, I love to be honest. It’d be impossible to be able to list them all. But above all, I utterly adore Stephanie from Doodle’s Book Reviews, ( and not because we share the same name. She was one of the first few people I got to know when I started blogging, we are constantly talking, Skyping and sending each other stuff in the mail:)

Me: How do you juggle your reading and reviewing schedule?
Stephanie: Most of the time I don’t have a specific date where I need to have my review books reviewed by, I only ever try to keep track of my ARCs. I attempt to read an ARC about a month before the release date then have the review posted a week before it’s release. Otherwise I read whichever book I feel like reading.

Me: Do you see yourself book blogging ten years from now?
Stephanie:  Most definitely not. I hope to have a career in Publishing in the next 10 years or so, either working as a publicist, a cover designer or an author. As much as I love my blog, it was never supposed to be a long term thing. 

Isn't she incredible? It's always cool learning how long people plan on blogging. I'm just about to start my journey of becoming a doctor, so for me, book blogging is something I plan on doing forever - it's my retreat, of sorts. Hearing that Ohana Reads is just the stepping stone to something greater makes me really excited for her and more aware of the diversity of book bloggers everywhere. It's quite humbling, really.

Again, don't be afraid to check out Stephanie's blog and start a chat with her. She's really nice; I'm sure she'd enjoy talking to you, and you to her!

Stop #3 will be on the blog next Sunday at 10:00 am sharp. I'll be having another blogger over, and I'm sure you won't want to miss meeting her!