Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Get to Know Leigh from 'Six Feet Over It'!

Jennifer Longo's newest book, 'Six Feet Over It', is releasing on the 26th of this month, and I can't help but find the main character, Leigh, intriguing. She's unlike any character I've ever read about. Death is all around her, and she hates it. She reminds me of Will Herondale in the way she doesn't get close to people in an attempt to keep them from suffering. Leigh's sister, Kai, suffered from cancer for several years, and now all of the sudden she is better, and Leigh doesn't know how to handle it. Also, now that the family has moved from Leigh's beloved ocean, she simply isn't happy. And can you blame her? She has no friends at school, she works and lives on a graveyard, all while her sister is exempt from doing anything but having fun.

Leigh in her cemetery.
Did I also mentioned that Leigh's one and only friend was killed during Girl Scouts by being crushed by a tree? Leigh blames herself for her friend Emily's death, believing that because she chose her sister over her friend, she died. And when she's forced to make a similar choice now, in the graveyard - Emily or a new friend, Elanor - well, it's easier to hear her thoughts on the matter than to try to explain it.

Here's a peek into Leigh's mind, battling over the decision to stay by her old friend or take the chance and make a new one (it's an internal monologue to Elanor).

"Please forgive me, you seem incredibly smart and nice and I am so very lonely and thank you so much for wanting to be my friend even though I’ve been nothing but weird and rude to you and while I would also dearly love to get out of the graves once in a while and repot bulbs with you at your beautiful nursery, and that is not me being sarcastic, it truly would be a relief and a fun way to spend an afternoon, I’m afraid I’ve got this suffocating fear that getting to know you and having fun with you would betray my loyalty to my best and only friend who is gone anyway, and also what if we did become friends and you disappeared, too, and also if I become friends with you it might take away from the attention and care I must ceaselessly give my sister or she will get sick again and die because PS, I am a patron saint of death, so for your own good you should probably avoid contact with me or you’ll never make it out alive, so thanks a ton, but as you can tell I’ve kind of got a full plate of psychosis going on right now, if it ever lets up I will for sure give you a call, how’s that?"

Want to find out more about Leigh? Pick up 'Six Feet Over It' when it releases in a bookstore near you!